I just got back from the contact improvisation dance event at Breitenbush Hot Springs. (Friends dancing--before midnight--in the picture to the right.) (If you don't know what 'contact improvisation' is, Google it! It is very cool and can be life-transforming.)
Breitenbush is a beautiful hot springs retreat center in the mountains of Oregon. The 28-year old spring contact improv jam is the oldest multi-day contact jam in the world!
One of the traditions is to have an "ALL-NIGHTER," where people try to stay up the whole night and then finish with a hot soak at dawn, in the rock-lined pool overlooking the snowy mountains and the rushing river. Though I only lasted until 2:30 am this year, in past years I've made it through the whole night. Intense stuff always happens after midnight. Confessions, revelations, revealings (of skin, of feelings, of conflicts).
Try hosting a party or get-together some time with the intention of staying awake all night. You will not be bored by the results!
(In the picture: Elio Scudieri of Santa Cruz, California, wearing pink and orange, and Laurie E. of San Rafael, California in grey pants. By the way, Elio makes amazing dance-pants and citywear--www.tdama.com)
(Breitenbush details: Contact Improv Jam Producer is Joint Forces Dance Company, www.jointforcesdance.com. Breitenbush Retreat Center is at www.breitenbush.com)
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